My Maltese Puppies

Some Of My Adult Maltese

The Maltese is an ancient breed dating back more than 28 centuries.
The Maltese is known as “YE ANCIENT DOGGE OF MALTA”.
There are writings about Maltese from early Egypt all the way down to Queen Elizabeth in 1570. The Maltese was first exhibited in the United States in 1877 and was admitted to the American Kennel Club in 1888.
The Maltese is a Spaniel not a terrier, and are a healthy and spirited, Even though tiny. The AKC Standard describes the Maltese as a Toy Dog, average 5 to 7 pounds, gentle-mannered and affectionate, but smart and active. They are a compact small dog with long straight white hair, dark round eyes and a black nose. The temperament is lively and playful, trusting and affectionate.
I personally prefer the more sturdy 10 pound size for homes with children and people who work. The coat should be silky, not cottony and usually all white, however Many people prefer a slight cream or lemon on the head or ears which looks cute and is permissible for show.
The Maltese, even though small in size, make a good little watch dog, barking and alerting it’s owners when someone approaches the house. In my personal observation female Maltese seem to bark more than males.
My Maltese are super smart I am able to paper-train them in a few days. They can be taught lots of tricks and are one of the few toys that Show in AKC obedience trails.
For my breeding stock I look for well-balanced temperament. I like a good combination of playfulness and strong desire to please. I choose dogs who make good eye contact and train easily. I don’t lean toward the tiniest puppies, they are not always the healthiest. I look for a good square confirmation and a thick coat. I also prefer the shorter muzzle Instead of the longer, pointy, poodle looking face.
Yes, I’m picky about my dogs, and you should be too. It’s a pet you will have for the next 15 years. Male vs Female is an age old discussion. Frankly it doesn’t matter.
It’s the personality and temperament of the individual that’s important. Listen to your breeder and let her help you select a puppy that will fit perfectly into your lifestyle.