My Teddy Bear Puppies
(A highly desirable hybrid consisting of a Bichon or Maltese father and a Shih Tzu Mother)

What is a Teddy Bear dog? The name “Teddy Bear” is the name given to two very Desirable Hybrids. It can be a Maltese father or a Bichon father and a Shih Tzu mother.
The body should be slightly longer than they are tall, with an average weight of 8 to 12 pounds. This combination has proven to make an ideal house pet for young and old.
The Shih Tzu mother, contributes her traits of being a very smart dog, easily housebroken, and obedient. The Bichon dad, contributes a laid back temperament. While using the Maltese brings the size down and gives you a smarter dog with a silkier coat. Both mixes are very family oriented in nature.
My Teddy’s are a quick study. Housebreaking is easy, because they are very people loving and willing to please. The Maltese hybrid trains a little faster than the Bichon.
As with any dog breeding, genetics is the most important consideration. Creating a wonderful Teddy Bear is far from just mixing two dogs together. It is essential that the breeding stock be genetically sound with no health or temperament issues.
The overall health of the parents must be excellent in order to produce sound puppies. My breeding program begins by choosing healthy adults with no history of skin allergies or health issues. Next each parent is temperament tested and evaluated.
My parent dogs must be friendly, very willing to please and highly trainable.
The puppies are born right in my kitchen, in what is called a whelping box (which keeps mother and puppies safe and comfortable) where I can keep a constant eye on them, monitoring them to make sure they eat well and develop normally.
During this time I also watch the puppie’s interactions with the mom and each other so I can determine character. This enables me to describe to each prospective new owner the personality of each puppy.
Some people confuse all “Teddy Bear” hybrids with a very particular individual popular picture of a Pomeranian that is all over the internet. In that picture, that one Pomeranian dog’s owner gave the individual dog a short haircut and named that individual dog “TeddyBear”. That’s one dog… it is not the popular, sought after, “Teddy Bear” hybrid.