My Poodle Puppies

Simply call me for an appointment to view my babies
My Poodles aren't those curly haired, snappy little dogs your Grandmother had.
I have spent years selectively breeding my Poodles to Enhance the characteristics people want in a companion dog and working to eliminate undesirable Personality traits.
One reason I started working with Poodles is because they have always been considered one of the most highly intelligent dogs. Poodles are also the original hypoallergenic dog, they don’t shed, and they have no doggy odor. These two reasons alone make them an ideal house dog. My Poodles have a slightly different coat, more wavy than kinky curly, the body is a little stockier and they have a shorter muzzle.
The size of a Toy Poodle is less than 10 inches at the shoulder and 6 to 8 pounds.
A miniature Poodle is 12 to 14 inches at the shoulder, weighing 10 to 16 pounds.
Some of the poodles I am working with lean toward the smaller size while others are more miniature size. It is not an exact size I am looking for but rather a body type and temperament. I have introduced some other breeding into the gene pool to set type and temperament.
Unlike Bichons and Maltese which are always white, poodles come in a variety of colors. At this juncture most of my puppies are Cream, buff and apricot, and I am working on other colors.
Poodles are very people oriented dogs. They follow you from room to room and are happiest when they can be near you. I find my dogs make excellent eye contact, when I am training. These dogs seem desperate to please their owners, and seem to anticipate you request even before you give the command.
My puppies are super smart. I have house-trained some in as little as a week. It doesn’t seem to matter boy or girl, old or young my dogs seem to absorb all the training you are willing to give. They also serve as great little watch dogs.
My Poodles are great with kids and will spend hours fetching the ball. My Poodles also make wonderful companions for older people and are frequently trained as service dogs.
Most people remember Poodles as circus dogs, doing amazing tricks and learning intricate routines. Consequently they excel at obedience training, unusual for a companion dog. Many of my people are so surprised, that my poodles become so adapt at reading their expression and body signals they frequently do what you want even before their owners ask.
Poodles, as with any non-shedding dog, require routine grooming. It is important to get your puppy used to handling all over his body at an early age. Training is easy. Show him what you want a few times and the dog seems to pick it up right away.
Selecting the right puppy is an important decision. Don’t make a poor choice. Be careful, don’t pick by sex, boy or girl doesn’t determine temperament. Don’t pick by color or face, these things in a puppy will change as he matures. Looks, in the long run, are least important factor in choosing a companion you will have for the next 16 years. Select by personality and temperament.
Take advantage of your breeders advice, she knows the puppies personalities best of all. Try to match the personality of the dog to what would make your family happy.
2 Photos Of The Same Adult Poodle - Before And After Being Groomed
Which Look Do You Like For Your Poodle? The Choice Is Yours